Nowadays many people consider etiquette to be unnecessary and obsolete. But the point of having good manners is not about following hundreds of little rules and formalities blindly, but first and foremost it’s about respecting other people no matter who they are. As Jean de La Bruyère, a French philosopher and moralist said, “The point of being polite is the ability to speak and act so that other people are not bothered by us.”
Bright Side has collected some simple dining etiquette rules to follow while on dates or when meeting with friends. If you follow these rules, you’ll feel confident at any event and the people you are with will think of you as a nice, polite person.
Etiquette rules at official receptions and banquets
How to use cutlery
Dating etiquette rules
Tipping etiquette
What rules of etiquette do you think are useful and necessary, and which ones do you think are outdated?
Illustrated by Daniil Shubin for BrightSide.me