Many of us have been tricked on the Internet by pictures that made us do a double-take and wonder if our imagination was running wild. However, most of these optical illusions are just our brains attempting to make sense of an image that is deceptive and failing to capture its true essence. These 15 pictures …

I am a self-taught Canadian artist. I conceptualized everything, built the set, dressed up (often making my own clothes), took a self-portrait and shared it on my Instagram every day of February. I call it the #SelfieProject which I started a lot of years ago looking for some experience shooting portraits.

The only limit to accomplishing anything in life is your imagination. However, creativity and inventions don’t have to be overly complicated or all that original. You can make everyone’s lives far easier with small changes in how something is designed. Intrigued? Well then, welcome to the weird and wonderful world of ‘Redneck Engineering.’

There is nothing too fascinating or astonishing about people loving their dogs more than their own children. There is nothing too startling to see a dog being treated like a family member. What is really astonishing and startling is that, some dogs look almost or completely identical to their owners! There have been lots of …

There are few things more exciting than exploring a new road alongside a beautiful landscape. The world’s most beautiful highways proves that the journey is sometimes more important than the destination. What’s curious is that we tend to put all of our focus on the destination, but less focus on the journey there. But it …

If you’re feeling a little down in the dumps, or perhaps stuck in that middle-of-the-week rut, we have just what the doctor ordered! Forget about your worries or the stresses of the day and enjoy this super-sized serving of hand-selected pics, memes, and more that should help keep boredom at a bay and help you …

The world we live in has all kinds of fascinating facts, intriguing information, and endless data. It can be a lot to take in when just staring at numbers and information. Thankfully we have charts, graphs, and infographics to help us digest and make sense of it all. Check out these 42 interesting data sets …

Another day another fresh batch of funny pics and memes, collected for your enjoyment. By now you know what we think about memes, but that doesn’t matter because the only thing that’s important is what you think about memes, and we truly do hope, you enjoy these. And if you don’t then please take of …

Recreating old family photos can be a fun and nostalgic way to pay tribute to cherished memories and loved ones. Here are some examples of people who have absolutely nailed their family photo recreations:

Men and women are definitely from different planets. And no matter how many thousands of years we have spent with each other, we are still trying to uncover each others’ mysteries. Some people claim that they actually succeeded in understanding the rules of the lives of the opposite sex. Bright Side has collected 20+ pictures from internet …