25 Girls That Are Unrivalled in the Art of Cosplay

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Cosplay is the art of transforming into different characters. In order to really understand that cosplay is art, you should take a look at the gorgeous girls in this compilation. They are all very different but there is one thing that unites them — their undeniable talent.

Bright Side offers you to take a look at popular characters cosplayed by famous artists and future stars of this genre. And at the end of the article, there is a bonus about a girl who is much more than just a cosplayer.

25. Xenia Shelkovskaya looks very much like Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones.

24. Stefany Lauren decided to ride her horse dressed as Arya Stark.

23. Brigitte Goudz as the gorgeous Wonder Woman

22. One more Wonder Woman who is just as impressive. This photo was shared by her husband.

21. Alyson Tabbitha as Padmé Amidala

20. Joanie Brosas looks very much like Rey from Star Wars.

19. Canadian model Bianca Beauchamp sees Lara Croft in her own way.

18. Model Katyuska Moonfox as Celes from Final Fantasy.

17. If there is a Hellboy, why can’t there be a Hellgirl?

16. Charming Vanessa Adularia as Betty Boop

15. Panther, character of RPG Persona 5 by Luxlo

14. Helly Valentine as Diablo character Li-Ming

13. Fortnite cosplay from Thesarcasticginger

12. Olivia Mears as Jessica Rabbit

11. They really look like twins! Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and “twin” Helen Stifler

10. Jennifer Van Damsel as Emma Frost, a character from X-Men

9. Rogue from X-Men by Francine Caroline

8. Kitana from Mortal Kombat by Tanya Korobova

7. Maria Muratova and her amazing Maleficent

6. Caveira from Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

5. Lady Deadpool by Maid of Might

4. Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire by Irina Sabetskaya

3. Charming Ursula at a festival in Chicago

2. Brazilian Model Maria Fernanda Galvão dressed as Hayley Smith from American Dad

1. Lola from Shark Tale by Juliet Gudkova

Bonus: Sarah Ingle dressed as Snow White

Sarah Ingle is a 25-year-old marketing manager who turns herself into Disney characters. So far, she has spent over $14,000 on her costumes of Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, and others. She has about 17 costumes and 16 wigs. Also, she is a volunteer and she visits children in hospitals to give them a break from treatments and make their dreams of meeting a Disney princess come true.

Which cosplay work did you like the most? Tell us in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit Sarah Ingle/instagram, The Walt Disney Company