AMAZING! This Artist Fixes Sidewalk Potholes With Mosaics

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This French artist fills potholes with art. Check out the amazing gallery and share it with your friends.Ememem is a very talented artist, anonymous, based in Lyon, France. I came across some photos of his sidewalk mosaics and wanted to know more, so I googled him… and wow! His art is so impressive! He calls his work “flacking” – a play on the French word flaque, meaning puddle or patch. He describes himself as a “sidewalk poet”, and I think that’s the perfect definition.

In this gallery, I’ve selected 25 photos of Ememem sidewalk mosaics, but I insist you check out his website and social media accounts. I’ve never seen this type of urban art, and I love the original street art idea. I only wish he’d come to my town, too… He’d be busy for months!

1. Sidewalk mosaic is stunning!

2. This artist repairs sidewalk potholes with gorgeous mosaic.

3. This is such an original type of street art.

4. Mosaic sidewalks are a beautiful way to fill the potholes.

5. The person responsible for this gorgeous urban artwork is Ememem, an artist based in Lyon, France.

6. The artist calls this process “flacking” – a play on the French word flaque, meaning puddle or patch.

7. Ememem patches the sidewalks with this gorgeous mosaic.

8. These stunning pieces of mosaic look a lot better than the ugly sidewalk potholes.

9. I think there’s no better way to fix a pothole in the asphalt than by filling it with art.

10. Such a gorgeous way to repair a sidewalk!

11. These pieces of street art are so unique!

12. You can see the artist’s signature clearly in this beautiful sidewalk mosaic.

13. Such a creative way to fix the potholes!

14. A gorgeous sidewalk mosaic:

15. This street artist repairs the sidewalks in France with his stunning mosaic art.

16. This street mosaic is so gorgeous!

17. Another gorgeous example of Ememem’s street mosaic art.

18. A creative and artistic way to patch the asphalt.

19. He doesn’t only fix sidewalks…

20. I love the idea of fixing potholes with mosaic.

21. It looks beautiful!

22. Sidewalk mosaic art:

23. Art is a great way to repair potholes everywhere.

24. Where some see broken asphalt, an artist sees an opportunity to create art.

25. A sidewalk pothole, before and after Ememem’s work: