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Artist and sculptorMatthew Simmonds carves small-scale interiors into marble. Inspired by a lifelong fascination with stone buildings, Matthew’s work takes stone architecture (particularly sacred stone architecture) as a central theme.

Matthew Simmonds is a sculptor. But unlike many other sculptors, Matthew likes to work in the super small scale rather than the “3000 pound slab of marble” -scale. Inspired by a lifelong fascination with stone buildings, Matthew’s work takes stone architecture (particularly sacred stone architecture) as a central theme.

His “shtick” is the sculpting of smaller marble rocks in a way, that makes it seem like there’s a architectural space hidden inside the stone. The solid stone is opened up to reveal internal worlds, often intricately carved, in which the changing viewpoint and light play a strong role in defining the sculptures. On his website, Simmonds
“To create a sculpture that catches the light and structure of a building and lets the eye wander, to feel that here my eye could live, here a part of me could stay, is a great achievement. The sculptures give the viewer a different perspective on space. They look different from every viewpoint. You long to be in them, and they seem almost more meaningful for that.”