Nowadays, the number of fake items floating around grows every day. From fake smartphones with thinner screens to fake bags that are also made with real leather, it’s hard to spot these imposters — it often seems like there’s no difference. But there is. You just need to look a little closer and you may find tiny differences.
We at Bright Side want to help you avoid situations of fraud and found some simple tips to help you recognize counterfeit.
1. Check to see what the logo looks like on a gadget.
Fake gadgets are not just of poor quality, but they can even be dangerous because they don’t go through the right testing or certification. But in case if you’re in a situation where you don’t know if you have a fake or an original, here are some tips.
1․ The logo will be printed wrong or will appear spotty. You can check the original logo on your phone and compare it to the gadget in question. Don’t rush, especially if this is an expensive purchase.
2․ It feels too light.
3․ It has a yellowish color instead of white.
4․ The plastic seems poorly made or put together.
2. Check the metal and the sound on expensive watches.
Flea markets can be a great place to find rare luxurious watches. But it’s important to know how to detect frauds.
1․ The most expensive watches have smooth mechanisms, meaning there should be no ticking sounds. Put the watch close to your ear and if you hear any sound, it’s better to leave it.
2․ Engravings on fine watches are generally sharper.
3․ Fake watches are usually made with cheaper and lighter materials than the original ones.
3․ Check the stitching on clothes and shoes.
The quality of original and expensive items also differ. The stitching will be much cleaner and tighter on authentic items, unlike their counterparts. Original clothing and shoes often have more stitches per square inch. The lines won’t be as straight either because they likely use less material as it costs less.
4. Check the tags on clothes.
Always check the tags. They can say a lot about whether a brand is fake or not.
1․ Fake manufacturers usually use lower-quality factory equipment so the tags and labels may be stitched badly.
2․ Pay attention to details. The size tag will be a different color and of poor quality compared to the original piece, and the letters on it may have different spacing.
3․ Oftentimes, there’s a serial number on the size tag for more expensive brands.
5. Check the wrapping of your cosmetics and perfume.
Contreifet cosmetics are no joke! That’s because we use these products on our bodies so we’d like to know that everything is tested and certified safe. Here are some tips that can help you to avoid purchasing fakes:
1․ Cellophane usually should be tightly wrapped around the boxes.
2․ Fake products often have lower-quality plastic or metal casings.
3․ The name of the shade should be printed on a sticker as opposed to the box.
4․ Fine products should fit into the box perfectly.
6. Check the buttons.
If you want to buy a jacket, coat, or trenchcoat, take a look at the buttons inside and out. Fine brands will have good quality plastic with the company’s name engraved. Counterfeits will use cheap, light plastic, and sometimes it’ll be unlabeled. The buttons should also be sewn on securely and won’t be held on by just a couple of stitches.
7. Check the quality of the screen when shopping for smartphones.
Fakes can look incredibly professional and sometimes it’s difficult to find differences between them and original iPhones. But still, it’s possible when you do the following:
1․ When you turn on the phone for the first time, the screen may not be as bright as it was when you tested the iPhone7, for instance.
2․ The numbers in the calendar may have a different font.
3․ The screen shouldn’t be coarse or grainy. This kind of thing happens when a low-resolution panel is used.
4․ The picture shouldn’t be blurry.
7. Download a special app for spotting fakes.
If you decide to take your fraud search to the next level, you can upload a special app that recognizes fake clothes, shoes, and accessories. This way, when you’re buying stuff from different stores, it will help you to avoid scams and save money.
The app detects small details like in the picture above. For example, “the peak” of the tongue is slightly elongated compared to the authentic pair.
What tricks do you know to help you identify real brands and their fakes? Do you think counterfeits look more convincing these days?