Little Salvatore Cicalese of San Tan Valley, Arizona lived through every kid’s worst nightmare when he found his mom unconscious in the shower.
Assuming the worst, 5-yr-old Sal wrapped up his baby sister in a blanket so she’d feel safe and managed to find his way to the neighbor’s house. Jessica Penoyer happened to be home when she found Sal standing on her doorstep with his baby sister in his arms.
“He’s standing there and he’s holding something and I thought it was a doll,” Jessica recalled.
At first, she thought that Sal was trying to tell her that “his dog died.” But once she finally understood the chilling situation, she called 911 and explained that Sal thought his mom had died in the shower.
Thankfully, they soon realized Sal’s mom had suffered a seizure and passed out. But, if Sal had not gotten help, this story may not have gotten a happy ending.
“Honestly he saved my life,” his mom, Kaitlyn Cicalese, said. “I was under the faucet. If he wouldn’t have gotten help, I would have drowned.”
Word of Sal’s heroic and brave deed began to spread, and the fire department crew that showed up to his door that day decided to honor Sal for his courage — as he deserves!