How Disney Princes Would Look In Real Life

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If you’ve ever wondered what Disney’s princes might have looked like in real life, Jirka Väätäinen, a Finnish artist and designer in Melbourne, has answered that question definitively with his series of real-life Disney prince illustrations. They don’t call him ‘prince charming’ for nothing!

Anyone who had a childhood crush (or still has a crush) on these princes will definitely love them, but even if you don’t it’s interesting to see how they might actually look. Väätäinen stayed true to their original characters while making sure they seem totally life-like and believable.

If you like Väätäinen’s interpretation of Disney’s characters, be sure to visit his website, where he’s given the same treatment to Disney’s iconic princesses and female characters as well!

Prince Eric, The Little Mermaid

Prince Charming, Cinderella


Prince Adam, Beauty and the Beast


Prince Phillip, Sleeping Beauty

John Smith, Pocahontas
