I Illustrated Disney Princesses As Modern Day Girls Living In The 21st Century

Hi, I’m Anoosha. I’m a children’s book illustrator and character designer for animation. I love Disney princesses, and in my spare time I created a series of digital illustrations of what I imagine these girls would be like as 21st century teens/young adults. I tried to be accurate to their personalities, writing little backstories for …

What Disney Villains Would Look Like In Real Life

Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen is a graphic designer and illustrator from Finland who has a unique way of looking at Disney characters. As you can see from these scarily lifelike pictures, the Finnish creative has brought to life a number of Disney’s most fearsome villains as part of his ongoing ‘Disney characters in real life’ …

What Disney Princesses Would Look Like in Real Life

Watching a cartoon, you may be interested in how the characters would look like in real life. And who catches our imagination more than Disney princesses? Ryan Astamendi, an artist, decided to bring them to life. He created a series of photos called ’Disney princesses,’ and it’s amazing! With the author’s permission, we published his …

Armenian Ballerina’s “Flight of Art” at Yerevan Underground

Ballet is often regarded as the most precise and difficult dance form in western culture. It takes hard work and incredible dedication to become a ballet dancer. Watch Armenian ballerina Syuzanna Pirumyan tooking it to another level, while performing in Erevan underground .

Blackout Curtains That Will Make You Feel Like You’re Living In A Penthouse Above A Large City

Blackout blinds, or curtains, are no longer just a token of edgy teenage bedrooms. They’re back in style, with a modern twist that will have you clamoring to hang them up in your home. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of blackout blinds and how far they’ve come. In 1939, Britain enforced a …

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced. We have collected for you works in which the combined efforts of mother nature and photographic artists have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world.  

Dad Turns Kids’ Toy Cars Into Badass “Mad Max” Vehicles

This California-based director and father just created Mad Max: Fury Road vehicles for his kids and they look totally insane. Inspired by Mad Max, obviously, father Ian Pfaff started off with the classic Little Tykes Cozy Coupes. He then used anything he could find, from old computer junk to an espresso machine, and used them …

If Art History Icons Were Hipsters

What if the Mona Lisa got tired of her old silk robes and decided to trade them in for a trendy jumpsuit? That’s exactly the kind of scenario Japanese graphic designer Shusaku Takaoka specialises in bringing to life, and he does it with pure wit. Takaoka is an expert at turning history into hipster. His …

10 Things to Create the Perfect Cozy Home That You Can Make Yourself

It’s the little things which help to make our homes the cozy places we all love. But it’s actually not as much effort to get all the details right as it may at first seem — you just need to use your imagination. Creating a luxurious rug made of real stones How to restore the original colouring of a cup or mug How to make an ornamental lacy lampshade Create a new and …

The 16 Rules of Modern Etiquette

Courtesy isn’t hard to display — it amounts to respect for both yourself and others. But there are several nuances which only a small number of people seem to know. We collected a few rules which can make your life (and those of others’) more pleasant. 1. Never visit without calling first If you’ve ever gotten a surprise visit, you might have been caught off-guard wearing a robe …