Some Rare Flowers From Around The World Some Of The World’s Flowers Are Threatened With Extinction. In Fact, In Addition To The Flowers Mentioned Here, There Are Many More Rare Flowers Spread Around The World. Some Of Them Are Protected In Tropical Forests, Mountain Slopes Or Botanical Gardens. You Are Also Lucky If You Have …

Put the day on pause and check out this big batch of funny, random, and entertaining images to keep boredom at bay.

There is no shortage of folks embarrassing themselves online. The next time you find yourself on social media take a look around and see for yourself. The popular subreddit r/facepalm curates the best fails online, but my favorites are from people who clearly don’t know their way around a map. That’s right, geography fails. You’d …

Parents are notorious for saying things like, “well, back in my day we did things differently” or “kids these days are too sensitive.” While there is some validity to these points, there are also several things that have changed over the years, and with good reason. Installing child seatbelts in cars for instance, or warning …

Remember, difficult times are a natural part of life, and it’s important to be kind to yourself and seek support when you need it.

A picture says a thousand words. And sometimes, the right picture (or wrong, depending on your perspective) leaves us with a thousand questions. Just what was going on at the time the shutter snapped? Are we intruding on some kind of magic or ritual? Does life imitate art — or vice versa? Enjoy looking at …

Picture This The Strange • The Old • The Terrifying. Creepy vintage photos to enjoy before bedtime.

Although metal is often seen as a cold and hard medium, one artist has found a way to breathe life into the material, allowing it to appear loose and free. In her Blown Away series, British artist Penny Hardy constructs life-size metal sculptures made from discarded machinery that’s based on the human body, each one …

These clever critters have taken over the sewing room and are making some amazing garments!

Another weekend has drawn to a close and that means another week of work is about to begin. This week may seem to drag on forever with Christmas just around the corner, but don’t let that get you down. Take a quick break and extend your weekend for a few extra minutes and browse through …