There are people in their sixties, seventies, or even nineties, who can hardly be called a “grandma” or a “grandpa.” This is all because they absolutely smash all age stereotypes by being so young in their minds and souls and living an active life that even a young person would envy. Our featured heroine today is known as Baddiewinkle, a vivid example of how one can live a long and dramatic life …

China alone had approximately 60.74 million international tourist arrivals in 2017. And it’s no wonder! Asia has always attracted people with its architecture, nature, and culture. You feel like you’re in a totally different world where you can sometimes even lose yourself. We at Bright Side are inspired by Asia and would like to share …

We love to express ourselves in a variety of different ways. It’s an outlet. Some people enjoy singing, dancing, or writing. But these people have imaginations that let them think big or, in some cases, small. They think outside the box to create some unusual things that sometimes require us to do a double take. …

The mainstream definition of what an ideal man should look like varies from country to country. Just like women, a lot of men try to follow common beauty trends in order to be seen as more attractive. The cultural difference in what exactly people consider objectively beautiful might come as a surprise. Bright Side did …

Life images & photos

Imagine this scenario: upon waking up in the morning, you find out that you have overslept and now are late for work, so while pouring a quick cup of coffee you put salt instead of sugar in it. After you’ve locked the door and went halfway to work in your car, you spot that you …

Road rage incident: A driver in a fit of road rage chased after another driver, causing a high-speed crash that killed both drivers. Drunk driving crash: A drunk driver caused a head-on collision with another car, killing the innocent driver. Reckless driving on a highway: A driver was caught on camera driving at high speeds, …

With the rise of photo editing software and the increasing importance of our image on social media, most of us sometimes get worried about what people think of us. Do I look good enough? Do I dress stylish enough? What do people think of me when they see my picture? Would I get more likes/upvotes/notes/tiny …

With Fashion Week underway in New York, it’s time to turn your attention to the runway shows but also the street style stars who are making their presence known showing off their sense of style. And the near perfect weather played a factor in bringing out some creative fashion… not to mention MSCHF’s big red …

When looking at black and white photographs of women considered glamorous in the 1920s and early 20th century, I often find it difficult to relate to their look. Their make-up is strange and melodramatic, their hairstyles usually unflattering and even macabre; almost like there was a preference for a rather un-natural beauty. But then I …