Throughout history, people have always seen the younger generation as somehow different from their elders. We at Bright Side took an interest in this subject, and we investigated just how much young people have changed over the last 100 years. Since it’s a bit too tricky to find out about people’s personal qualities, we compared …

This selection of photos shows school uniforms from public and private schools in 15 countries.

Japanese people are known for their intelligence, strong health, politeness, and wellness. But why is this nation so unique and different from the rest of the world? We seem to have found the answer: they have an incredibly cool education system! Manners before knowledge. In Japanese schools, the students don’t take any exams until they reach grade four (the age of 10). …

All of these phenomena are trivial for Dubai natives, but to us they seem like computer graphics or Hollywood special effects. We reveal them to you…slightly regretting we’re not Arab sheikhs. The views are incredible both from below… …and above! Jeeps in Dubai can also be “King Size.” Here’s how to get across the city if you don’t like traffic. The police patrol the …

Geography is often wrongly associated with boring atlases and old facts about the world. However, interest in the subject is defined by how it’s taught, and there’s plenty of awesomeness to be found here. We collected 18 maps that could change your perspective of the world. Well, at least we’re sure you won’t be bored looking at them.

Depending on the country a person lives in, their ideals of what constitutes true beauty can differ markedly from others’. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. But the upside of this is that what many of us consider to be our physical defects might turn out to be charming to someone out there. We have put together a selection of the most interesting things that people find attractive and …

Hi! My name is Alexander Khimushin. Nine years ago I packed my backpack to see the world and have been globe-trotting ever since visited 84 countries. While travelling the world, I realized that people are the most amazing part of it. Three years ago I came up with an idea of the photo project ‘The …

Denmark is a really small country and I have met a lot of people who didn’t even know where Denmark is. I have met people who believed that Denmark is the capital of Ikea. It is not. It is a small country in Scandinavia, above Germany, next to Great Britain, Sweden and below the tip …

Race, ethnicity, and skin colour have been dividing factors among humankind for centuries, but Brazilian photographer Angélica Dass is seeking to break down the barriers with her latest project, Humanae. She’s on a mission to capture examples of every skin colour in the world, to prove that diversity goes beyond the standard confines of white, …

If you compare some of the photographs which can be found on NASA’s website, you can really see how human beings have changed the appearance of our world over the years. The time difference between these images ranges from five to 100 years. Incredible stuff. Pedersen Glacier, Alaska. Summer, 1917 — summer, 2005. Aral Sea, Central …