35+ Must-Watch TV Series of All Time

Are you looking for some of the best TV shows? The last two decades have been the golden age of TV series. The TV series listed in this article are full of fascinating and engaging character stories. Some of them are sit-coms, historical dramas, fantasy, and more. So, read on to find out which shows …

30 Amazing Actor Transformations For Roles

We often forget what actors go through to create unforgettable movie characters. Sacrificing physical health to get in shape or gain weight is quite common in the film industry. But we have to consider what kind of influence losing 50lbs (23kgs) in 2 months has on mental health. Sometimes doing make-up takes 7 to 12 …

Designer Creates Inventions Nobody Asked For To Solve Problems That Don’t Exist

Matt Benedetto is a product designer from Burlington, Vermont that is on a quest to design products to help solve the most difficult problems in the world… that don’t really exist. His collection of unnecessary inventions is filled with products that no one is asking for but Matt has taken it upon himself to bring …

What Celebrities Would Look Like If They Weren’t Famous

What if they never became rich and famous? Ever wonder what would they look like? Well, thankfully there’s Photoshop, and we can have a glimpse into this alternate universe…

AMAZING! This Artist Fixes Sidewalk Potholes With Mosaics

This French artist fills potholes with art. Check out the amazing gallery and share it with your friends.Ememem is a very talented artist, anonymous, based in Lyon, France. I came across some photos of his sidewalk mosaics and wanted to know more, so I googled him… and wow! His art is so impressive! He calls …

7 Easy Ways To Open A Bottle Of Wine Without A Corkscrew

How to open a bottle of wine when you don’t have a corkscrew? Here are 7 easy ways to pick from! Oh, that awful moment when you really need a glass of wine but you just can’t get it out of the bottle! It’s terrible! ‘ve experienced it many times at parties hosted by people …

20 Effective Ways To Save Money While Traveling To Europe

I travel through Europe a lot, and here’s what I do to save money. Here are some practical tips to save money while traveling to Europe, without having any less fun on your vacation. 1. Timing is key: When is the best time to go to Europe? Outside the high season, accommodation and flight prices …

Inside the World’s Most Valuable Hot Wheels Collection

“The disease has metastasized,” Bruce Pascal says as we enter a former fabric warehouse in the Washington, D.C., suburbs, which he has christened the East Coast Hot Wheels Museum. A couple of years ago, Pascal decided that his Hot Wheels collection needed more space—it was already massive when we first met him at a convention …

This 39-Year-Old Korean Food Artist Makes The Cutest Meals (55 Pics)

Making a delicious meal is already difficult enough. But what about visually appealing too? Maybe for some, it’s too much to ask for, whereas others find joy and pleasure in it. We invite you to meet Min Kyungjin, a 39-year-old artist from Korea who has become an expert in cute food art. On her Instagram …

A selection of powerful news photographs taken around the world this week.

Participants parade through Lewes, England, during the annual Bonfire Night festivities. The East Sussex town is famous for its lively 5 November celebration, which involves seven bonfire societies, many of which date back to the 19th Century. A voter casts their ballot in the US midterm election, at the Dinosaur Journey Museum in Fruita, Colorado. …